Postgraduate researcher at Imperial College London redesigning medical devices for astronauts with cardiac arrhythmiasSlack: @Dev
Dr Sarah Morgan
Junior Research Fellow at Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge University studying brain images using network scienceSlack: @Sarah MorganTwitter: @Sarah_Morgan_UK
Dr Jess Wade
Postdoc in the Department of Physics and Centre for Plastic Electronics at Imperial College London creating circularly polarised organic light emitting diodesSlack: @JessssssssssTwitter: @jesswade
Dr Kirstie Whitaker
Research fellow at The Alan Turing Institute interested in adolescent brain development and reproducible researchSlack: @KirstieJaneTwitter: @kirstie_j
Dr Hannah Williams
Postdoc at Imperial College London working with ultracold moleculesSlack: @HannahTwitter: @hannah_physics
Dr Carmen Palacios Berraquero
Postgraduate researcher at University of Cambridge studying the quantum optics of 2-dimensional materials.Slack: @CarmenTwitter: @carmen_pbq
Francesca Di Nuzzo
Co-founder and chief financial officer of GenPol (Gender & Policy Insights), a think tank consultancy specialising in socio-economic research on matters of gender.Slack: @FrancescaTwitter: @GenderPolicyIns
Antonio Portas
Outreach specialist at NUSTEM at Northumbria University which aims to support children, young people, and their key influencers, to help them make informed choices about STEM careers in the North East of England.Slack: @Antonio PortasTwitter: @nustem_uk
Alice White
Historian of science, digital editor and Wikimedian in Residence at Wellcome Collection.Slack: @AliceTwitter: @HistorianAlice
Ankita Anirban
PhD student in physics at the University of Cambridge studying interactions between electrons.Slack: @Ankita AnirbanTwitter: @AnkitaAnirban